PERFORMING smARTS Theatre Arts Club
We connect, we learn, we grow, through the arts!
PERFORMING smARTS is a Kincaid Elementary Foundation After School Club.
Our club grows respect, self expression, leadership, team work, confidence building & problem solving through fun & educational experiences
in acting, singing, movement, puppetry & stage craft.
This club is for students in Grades 3 through 5 and is facilitated by the PSBcreative Team:
including Mr. Bush, Mrs. Rausch, Mrs. Missy, & Mrs. Katie
- all experienced arts educators and professionals.
We will meet on club week Wednesdays from dismissal to 3:45pm.
Registration fee is $235.00. Space is limited.
15% of the every registration goes towards supporting Kincaid Foundation.
Students are permitted to bring a snack/drink.
This club will have 2 performances in December.
Past PERFORMING smARTS Programs:
The Jungle Book, The Nerd Herd, Wild Things, Twas the Night Before Christmas,
When Annie Met Oliver, Sleeping Beauty Kids, Winnie the Pooh Kids, Back to the 80s,
At the Bandstand, Broadway Beat, A Night of Spooky Fun, Bedtime Stories,
Disney: The Music The Movies.

PSBcreative's Spooky Night of Fun. Student created, produced and performed ghost stories.

PSBcreative's Spooky Night of Fun. Student created, produced and performed ghost stories.

PSBcreative's Spooky Night of Fun. Student created, produced and performed ghost stories.

PSBcreative's Spooky Night of Fun. Student created, produced and performed ghost stories.